I post to identica through BarnOwl using Nelson's Twitter extension. This generally means I want to shorten URLs in my posts ("dents" as they're called on identica) so it's easier to fit them into the 140-character limit.
Luckily, BarnOwl can be extended using Perl, which, combined with some libraries from CPAN, makes this task simple. Here's the snippet I wrote:
package ShortenURLs;
use BarnOwl::Editwin qw(:all);
use Text::FindLinks;
use WWW::Shorten 'Bitly', qw(:short);
my $bitly_username = 'YOUR_BITLY_USERNAME_HERE';
my $bitly_apikey = 'YOUR_BITLY_APIKEY_HERE';
sub shorten_urls {
my $text = save_excursion {
my $linkified_text = Text::FindLinks::markup_links(
text => $text,
handler => sub {
my ($url, $before, $after) = @_;
my $short_link = q{};
# hack around Text::FindLinks including trailing )
# characters in URLs, which 99% of the time I don't
# want, since it probably means I've surrounded the
# link in parens
if ($before =~ m/\($/ && $url =~ m/\)$/) {
$url =~ s/\)$//;
$short_link .= ")";
return short_link($url, $bitly_username, $bitly_apikey).$short_link;
BarnOwl::new_command('shorten-urls' => \&shorten_urls);
BarnOwl::bindkey(edit => 'C-l' => command => 'shorten-urls');
You'll need a bit.ly account, and to enter your username and
API key from that account in the relevant locations. Paste the snippet into
e.g. ~/.owl/barnowl-shortenurls.pl
, and add require
to your
It has a sort of ridiculous dependency chain that I am too lazy to cull,
which you'll need to install, probably using cpan
. I
recommend using local::lib
if you're installing without
root. (I found
to be a pretty good walkthrough). Installing WWW::Shorten::Bitly and
Text::FindLinks should pull in all relevant dependencies.
And that's it! Hit C-l in the editwin and all the links in it will be replaced with shortened versions.
Awesome! I've been wanting this for a while, and I know others have too.
Have you considered packaging this as a full-on BarnOwl module? It's totally something the Twitter module would want to depend on, in addition to it being available on its own.
Hmmmm, do you really think it's worth it? It sure ain't a lot of code.
I guess having it lumped together with its dependencies would be useful.
One thing I want to add/fix is excluding bit.ly URLs themselves from the shortener--sucks when you accidentally hit the shortening keybinding twice and lose your links!